Thank you for contacting me about conversion therapy.
I am clear that no one in this country should be harmed or harassed for who they are and any attempts at so-called 'conversion therapy' are abhorrent. Such practices are deeply harmful and simply do not work.
I believe that the existing criminal law already offers robust protections. I am aware that the Government plans to introduce a ban on conversion therapy, including for gender identity. Some challenges can already be seen, for example, with the Scottish Government re-consulting for views on their proposals in Scotland.
Therefore, it’s understood that the challenges of further legislating successfully in this area are considerable and there is significant risk of overcomplicating and clouding these complex as well as challenging issues. It is my firm belief that, in light of the Cass Review Final Report, Ministers must take more time and more insights before reaching a final judgement on how additional legislation is needed in this area.
I assure you, I am clear that any proposed additional legislation must not risk any unintended consequences for parents, teachers, counsellors, churches or clinicians providing crucial and legitimate support in hearing from individuals, including young people, who may be experiencing gender distress and are seeking advice as well as a listening ear.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.