Thank you for contacting me about dementia and NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC).
I know that the Government wants every care user to receive health and social care at the right time and in the right place, which is appropriately joined-up and funded, especially for those with complex and nursing care needs, including those with dementia.
CHC is a package of NHS-funded ongoing healthcare and social care for adults who have been assessed as having a primary health need, whereby the main aspects, or majority part, of the care they require is focused on addressing and/or preventing health needs.
Eligibility for CHC is not determined by age, diagnosis or condition, or financial means. It is assessed on a case-by-case basis by a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) taking into account the totality of an individual’s needs – including ways in which these needs interact with one another.
The National Framework for CHC and NHS-funded Nursing Care (FNC) sets out that assessments should follow a person-centred approach, this means placing the individual at the centre of the assessment and care-planning process.
The National Framework also states how important it is that those contributing to this process have the relevant skills and knowledge, and that where the individual concerned has, for example, a learning disability, brain injury, or dementia, then someone with specialist knowledge of this client group is involved in the assessment process.
Dementia UK have written to the Minister about this important subject and the Department will be picking up the points raised with Dementia UK.
We want a society where every person with dementia, their families and carers, receive high quality, compassionate care, from diagnosis through to end of life. Timely diagnosis of dementia is vital to ensure that a person with dementia can access the advice, information, care and support that can help them to live well with the condition and remain independent for as long as possible.
I look forward to the publication of the Government's Major Conditions Strategy covering six conditions, including dementia. The Government has already published an initial report setting out what it has learned so far and what it plans to focus on next to develop the final strategy.
Whilst waiting for the publication of this strategy, the Government will continue to engage with Dementia UK to ensure that people with dementia can access support and advice where necessary.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.
Kind regards,