Thank you for contacting me about protections for our historic landscapes.
I appreciate the depth of concern about reports of proposals to build a large solar farm on land that inspired The Hobbit.
Like you, I believe that the landscapes that inspired some of country’s most treasured works of literature should be protected for future generations to enjoy. I agree that our planning system should protect important natural landscapes and heritage assets.
While literary landscapes are not subject to a separate designation within the planning system, I understand that they are protected more generally through the National Planning Policy Framework. The framework sets out planning policy for local authorities in England and makes clear that historic environments should be should be conserved in a manner appropriate to their significance, so that they can be enjoyed for their contribution.
The Government have now published their reforms to the NPPF. I am deeply concerned that the plans prioritise building in rural areas, including plans to centralise powers that can force building on the Greenbelt. I will always call on the Government to prevent unsustainable development and protect green spaces.
The last Government was clear about the importance of local authorities having an up-to-date local plan in place, ensuring that local people have a platform to shape their surroundings. Local plans can protect the important landscapes communities cherish and direct homes to the places local people prefer. I am pleased that the last Government passed legislation which increases the weight given to local plans when making decisions on applications, so that there must be strong reasons to override the plan.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.